There are two power models in Windows 10: S3 and S0 Low Power Idle (Modern Standby). Modern Standby in Windows 10 provides an instant on/off experience similar to smartphones.
Modern Standby enables the S0 low-power idle power plan, which keeps your laptop or desktop in the lowest power mode while allowing apps to receive the latest content, such as incoming email, VoIP calls, Windows updates, etc.
The system will enter Modern Standby when the user takes any of the following actions:
- Press the system power button.
- Closes the lid of the laptop/desktop/tablet.
- Select Sleep from the power button in the Windows Start menu.
- Waits for the system to idle and enter sleep automatically, according to the Power and sleep settings.
The amount of battery saving in Modern Standby is calculated by determining the time the system spends in DRIPS (Deepest Run-time Idle Platform State). DRIPS occurs when the system is consuming the lowest amount of power possible. If any background tasks, such as receiving emails or Windows updates, consume power, the system is not considered to be in DRIPS mode.
Total Modern Standby session time = DRIPS time + non-DRIPS time
Table of Contents
Option 1 – Disable Modern Standby in Windows 10 using Registry
There could be a scenario where you do not want to enable Modern Standby on Windows 10 and prefer to use another available and supported power plan, such as S3. In that case, you can disable Modern Standby by following the steps below.
Please note that the given steps require changes in the registry of the system, which will require administrator rights.
- Log in to the Windows 10 device.
- Click on Start and search for Registry Editor.
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power.
- Right-click on the right-hand side pane and click on New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
- Provide the name of the registry entry as PlatformAoAcOverride and set its value to 0.
- Since this registry change is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, a restart of the PC will be required.
Disable Modern Standby on Windows 10 Using Command Prompt
In the previous section, we saw how to disable Modern Standby using the GUI interface of the Registry Editor. If you prefer to use the Command Prompt instead of the registry editor to disable Modern Standby, you can follow the steps below:
- Login to the Windows 10 device.
- Go to Start and search for Command Prompt.
- Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
- Type the following command and press Enter.
- After this command is executed successfully, restart your device.
reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power /v PlatformAoAcOverride /t REG_DWORD /d 0
How to Check If Modern Standby is Supported in Windows 10
Not all devices support Modern Standby, but the number of systems that do is increasing. I have been using a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 laptop, which supports Modern Standby. Here’s how you can check if your device supports Modern Standby.
- Login to your Windows 10 device.
- Click on Start and search for Command Prompt.
- Launch Command Prompt.
- Type the command
powercfg -a
to check if Modern Standby is supported.
The powercfg -a command lists the sleep states available on your computer. In the screenshot below, you can see that this Windows 10 device is in Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Connected State, indicating that Modern Standby is supported and enabled on this device.
If you run the powercfg -a command on your system and it shows that S0 Low Power Idle is not supported, this could be a limitation of the system’s hardware to support Modern Standby. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to enable it. The alternative is to continue using Standby S3 or any other supported power plan.
Modern Standby (S0 Low power idle) can be in Network Connected mode or Network Disconnected mode.
- Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Connected: This means that Modern Standby with network connectivity is active in sleep mode.
- Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Disconnected: This means that Modern Standby operates without network connectivity while in sleep mode, and the system spends most of the time in DRIPS (Deepest Run-time Idle Platform State).
FAQs on Modern Standby
Below are some of the frequently asked questions about Modern Standby:
1. Which versions of Windows support Modern Standby?
Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education) and Windows 11 Operating system.
2. How to re-enable Modern Standby after creating the PlatformAoAcOverride registry entry?
If your device supports Modern Standby and you have created the PlatformAoAcOverride registry entry under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power registry key, simply delete this registry entry and restart your device to enable Modern Standby again.
You can delete the PlatformAoAcOverride registry entry manually using the registry editor or launch the PowerShell console as an administrator and run the following command to delete it.
Remove-ItemProperty ‘HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power’ -Name PlatformAoAcOverride
3. Does my Computer support Modern Standby?
You can easily check this by running the command powercfg -a in the Command Prompt. If it indicates “Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Connected” or “Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Disconnected“, then Modern Standby is supported and enabled.
4. How to Identify and Diagnose Issues During a Modern Standby Session?
You can identify and diagnose any issues related to Modern Standby by running the command Powercfg /sleepstudy in an elevated Command Prompt. You can then analyze the report, which will be generated and saved at the C:\WINDOWS\system32\sleepstudy-report.html location.
Please make sure to open Command Prompt as an administrator and then run powercfg /sleepstudy.
5. How to Find All the Switches of Powercfg Command?
To check the switches of the powercfg command, you can run powercfg /? in the Command Prompt. This will list all available options with detailed information. I have run this command on my device, which lists all the switches that can be used with the powercfg command:
Powercfg /?
C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg /?
Enables users to control power settings on a local system.
For detailed command and option information, run "POWERCFG /? <COMMAND>"
Command List:
/LIST, /L Lists all power schemes.
/QUERY, /Q Displays the contents of a power scheme.
/CHANGE, /X Modifies a setting value in the current power scheme.
/CHANGENAME Modifies the name and description of a power scheme.
/DUPLICATESCHEME Duplicates a power scheme.
/DELETE, /D Deletes a power scheme.
/DELETESETTING Deletes a power setting.
/SETACTIVE, /S Makes a power scheme active on the system.
/GETACTIVESCHEME Retrieves the currently active power scheme.
/SETACVALUEINDEX Sets the value associated with a power setting
while the system is powered by AC power.
/SETDCVALUEINDEX Sets the value associated with a power setting
while the system is powered by DC power.
/IMPORT Imports all power settings from a file.
/EXPORT Exports a power scheme to a file.
/ALIASES Displays all aliases and their corresponding GUIDs.
Gets a security descriptor associated with a specified
power setting, power scheme, or action.
Sets a security descriptor associated with a
power setting, power scheme, or action.
/HIBERNATE, /H Enables and disables the hibernate feature.
Reports the sleep states available on the system.
/DEVICEQUERY Returns a list of devices that meet specified criteria.
/DEVICEENABLEWAKE Enables a device to wake the system from a sleep state.
/DEVICEDISABLEWAKE Disables a device from waking the system from a sleep
/LASTWAKE Reports information about what woke the system from the
last sleep transition.
/WAKETIMERS Enumerates active wake timers.
/REQUESTS Enumerates application and driver Power Requests.
/REQUESTSOVERRIDE Sets a Power Request override for a particular Process,
Service, or Driver.
/ENERGY Analyzes the system for common energy-efficiency and
battery life problems.
/BATTERYREPORT Generates a report of battery usage.
/SLEEPSTUDY Generates a diagnostic system power transition report.
/SRUMUTIL Dumps Energy Estimation data from System Resource Usage
Monitor (SRUM).
The system sleep diagnostics report has been deprecated and
replaced with the system power report. Please use the command
"powercfg /systempowerreport" instead.
/SYSTEMPOWERREPORT Generates a diagnostic system power transition report.
/POWERTHROTTLING Control power throttling for an application.
/PROVISIONINGXML, /PXML Generate an XML file containing power setting overrides.
Modern Standby saves your laptop’s or desktop’s battery, keeping your device active for longer periods. If you use your device intermittently or are away from it frequently, this can save a significant amount of energy. However, there may be scenarios where you do not want to enable Modern Standby. In such cases, you can use the steps provided in this blog post to create a registry entry and disable Modern Standby.