Disable External Sharing in SharePoint Online

By default, external sharing is enabled in SharePoint Online, allowing users to share documents and content with individuals outside the organization, such as third-party vendors, customers, or users from other domains.

To protect sensitive information stored in SharePoint sites, organizations can choose to disable external sharing. This setting can be managed at both the tenant (organization-wide) level and the Site collection level.

If external sharing is disabled at the tenant level, it cannot be enabled for specific site collections. However, if external sharing is allowed at the tenant level, you can control external sharing permissions on a per-site collection basis.

You need SharePoint admin rights to configure external sharing settings for individual site collections.

External sharing settings for individual site collections cannot be less restrictive than the organization-wide (tenant) settings, but they can be more restrictive. This rule also applies to external sharing settings for OneDrive for Business sites.

If you disable external sharing at the tenant level, any shared links will immediately stop working. If you re-enable it, the shared links will become active again. You also have the option to selectively disable specific links shared with external users.


Disable External Sharing at Tenant Level

  • Sign in to the SharePoint Online admin center > Policies > Sharing.
  • Drag the External sharing slider bar to the bottom to select Only people in your organization, which will disable External sharing for all Sharepoint sites in your organization.
  • Click Save to save the changes.
Disable External Sharing at Tenant Level from Sharepoint admin center

OneDrive content sharing settings can be more restrictive than SharePoint settings but not more permissive.


Disable External Sharing at Site Level

If external sharing is disabled at the SharePoint tenant (organization) level, it will automatically be disabled for all SharePoint sites. Once the organization-level setting is turned off or set to the least permissive option (Only people in your organization), it is not possible to enable external sharing at the site level.

However, if the organization-level setting is configured to the most permissive (default) option, you can control external sharing at each site individually. With this permissive setting, When you create a new Sharepoint site, New and Existing guests permission is set as default, which can be changed to other External sharing settings (as shown in below screenshot).

External Sharing setting at site level set to New and existing guests

Disable External sharing setting at the Site level

  • Sign in to the SharePoint Online admin center > Sites > Active sites.
  • Select the site and click on Sharing.
Select the Sharepoint site and click on Sharing
  • Select Only people in your organization setting to disable External sharing at the site level.
External Sharing setting Only People in your organization

Disable External Sharing at Tenant Level using PowerShell

You can use Set-SPOTenant or Set-PnPTenantSite cmdlets to disable External sharing at tenant level. These cmdlets are available in Sharepoint Online PowerShell module. You can download and install SharePoint Online Management Shell on your computer or use Install-Module cmdlet to install it directly from PowerShell console.

Check if Sharepoint Online PowerShell Module is Installed

Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -ListAvailable | Select Name,Version

Install Sharepoint Online PowerShell module

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -Force -AllowClobber

If you are unable to open the PowerShell console as an administrator, install SharePoint Online Management Shell using the following PowerShell command on a non-administrator PowerShell console.

Install Sharepoint Online PowerShell module (If you are not an administrator)

Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -Force -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

Get Sharepoint online admin URL. You can find the URL in the browser’s address bar of the SharePoint admin portal.

Get Sharepoint Site Admin URL

Connect to Sharepoint Online

Connect-SPOService -url <sharepoint site admin URL>

Connect-SPOService -url https://mylab000-admin.sharepoint.com 

Check the Current External Sharing Capability

Get-SPOtenant | fl sharingcapability

Disable External Sharing at tenant/organizational level

Set-SPOTenant -SharingCapability Disabled
Disable External Sharing at Organization Level using Powershell

Verify if the External sharing capability has been disabled. On SharePoint admin center > Policies > Sharing. You will find that the External sharing scroll bar is set to the least permissive level. External sharing is now disabled.

Disable External Sharing at Organization Level using Powershell

Disable External Sharing at the Tenant Level using Set-PnPTenantSite

You can also use the Set-PnPTenantSite command to disable external sharing. You will need to Install PnP.PowerShell module.

PnP.Powershell modules no longer works on Powershell 5.1 version. You will need to Install Powershell 7.2 or later version to work with this module. Refer to this link for downloading and Installing Powershell 7.x.


  • Open Powershell 7.2 or later console as an administrator and execute below command.

Install PnP.PowerShell module

Install-Module -Name PnP.PowerShell -Force -AllowClobber

Connect to Sharepoint Online

$props= @{
    ClientId             = "<ClientID>"  
    CertificatePath      = "<CertificatePath>"  
    CertificatePassword  = (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "<Password>" -Force)  
    Url                  = "https://<SharepointSite URL>"  
    Tenant               = "<Tenant Name>" 

Connect-PnPOnline @props

Disable External Sharing at tenant Level

Set-PnPTenantSite -SharingCapability Disabled

Disable External Sharing at Site Level using PowerShell

If you have allowed external sharing at the tenant/organizational level, you can control external sharing at the individual site level. You can either use Set-SPOSite or Set-PnPTenantSite to manage site-level external sharing settings.

  • Ensure that the SharePoint Online PowerShell module is installed. Please refer to the previous section for Installation steps. Once the module is installed, use Connect-SPOService to connect with SharePoint Online.

Connect to Sharepoint Online

Connect-SPOService -url <sharepoint site admin URL>

Connect-SPOService -url https://mylab000-admin.sharepoint.com 

Disable External Sharing at Site Level

Set-SPOSite -Identity https://mylab000.sharepoint.com/sites/Finance -SharingCapability Disabled

Verify if External Sharing has been disabled

get-sposite -Identity https://mylab000.sharepoint.com/sites/Finance | fl Sharingcapability
Disable External Sharing at Site Level using Powershell

Disable External Sharing at the Site Level Using Set-PnPTenantsite

You can also use Set-PnPTenantsite cmdlet to disable External sharing at the site level. Please make sure that you have Installed PnP Powershell module.

Connect to SharePoint Online

$props= @{
    ClientId             = "<ClientID>"  
    CertificatePath      = "<CertificatePath>"  
    CertificatePassword  = (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "<Password>" -Force)  
    Url                  = "https://<SharepointSite URL>"  
    Tenant               = "<Tenant Name>" 

Connect-PnPOnline @props

Disable External Sharing for the given site

#Set External Sharing to disabled at Site Level
Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity https://mylab000.sharepoint.com/sites/Finance -SharingCapability Disabled

#To Check External Sharing at Site Level
Get-PnPTenantSite -Identity https://mylab000.sharepoint.com/sites/Finance | fl Sharingcapability

Disable External Sharing for all SharePoint sites

# Get all SharePoint sites in the tenant
$sites = Get-PnPTenantSite

foreach ($site in $sites) {
    Write-Output "Disabling external sharing for site: $($site.Url)"
    Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $site.Url -SharingCapability Disabled

Write-Output "External sharing disabled on all sites."

Disable External Sharing For a OneDrive Site using PowerShell

You can also disable external sharing for a OneDrive site using PowerShell. You can use the same cmdlets we used before Set-SPOSite or Set-PnPTenantSite for this.

  • Ensure the SharePoint Online Powershell module and PnP Powershell module is Installed on your device.
  • Get OneDrive Site URL for the user account. To get the list of users with their OneDrive URLs, you can use below Microsoft provided script from the link: OneDrive URLs.
$TenantUrl = Read-Host "Enter the SharePoint admin center URL"
$LogFile = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") + "\OneDriveSites.log"
Connect-SPOService -Url $TenantUrl
Get-SPOSite -IncludePersonalSite $true -Limit all -Filter "Url -like '-my.sharepoint.com/personal/'" | Select -ExpandProperty Url | Out-File $LogFile -Force
Write-Host "Done! File saved as $($LogFile)."
  • Once you get a list of OneDrive URLs, you can connect to SharePoint Online using either Connect-SPOService or Connect-PnPOnline cmdlets and execute the following commands to disable External sharing for a OneDrive site.

When you are using SharePoint Online PowerShell module

Connect-SPOService -url <sharepoint site admin URL>

Connect-SPOService -url https://mylab000-admin.sharepoint.com 

When you are using PnP.PowerShell module [ More Info ]

$props= @{
    ClientId             = "<ClientID>"  
    CertificatePath      = "<CertificatePath>"  
    CertificatePassword  = (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "<Password>" -Force)  
    Url                  = "https://<SharepointSite URL>"  
    Tenant               = "<Tenant Name>" 

Connect-PnPOnline @props

Disable External Sharing for OneDrive site (When you are using SharePoint Online PowerShell module)

$OneDriveSiteURL = "https://techpress-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jatin_makhija_techpress_net"

Set-SPOSite -Identity $OneDriveSiteURL -SharingCapability Disabled

Disable External Sharing for OneDrive site (When you are using PnP.PowerShell module)

$OneDriveSiteURL = "https://techpress-my.sharepoint.com/personal/jatin_makhija_techpress_net"

Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity $OneDriveSiteURL -SharingCapability Disabled

More External Sharing Settings

If you decide to keep external sharing enabled at the organizational level, You will be able to manage more external sharing settings.

  • Limit external sharing by domain: You can limit sharing documents and contents stored in SharePoint and OneDrive sites with specific domains by either creating an Allow List or Block List.
    • Allow List: When you add domains in Allow list, Users will be able to share documents only with those domains in allow list and rest of the domains will be blocked.
    • Block List: When you add domains in Block list, Users will be able to share documents only with all External domains except the ones in the block list.

Creating an Allow List using PowerShell

Set-SPOTenant -SharingDomainRestrictionMode "AllowList" -SharingAllowedDomainList "cloudinfra.net"

Creating a Block List using PowerShell

Set-SPOTenant -SharingDomainRestrictionMode "BlockList" -SharingBlockedDomainList "cloudinfra.net"
More External Sharing Settings
  • Allow only users in specific security groups to share externally: You can provide an Entra security group containing users who are allowed to share documents externally.
  • Allow guests to share items they don’t own: You can keep this disable for not allowing guests for sharing the documents and content they don’t own.
  • Guest access to a site or OneDrive will expire automatically after this many days: Set a value in days to expire External access to the content.
  • People who use a verification code must reauthenticate after this many days: You can provide a value in number of days for users to reauthenticate for gaining access to the content.

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